Thursday, April 18, 2019

Out for Dinner: Amish Style Cafe

We are off and traveling again, and today’s schedule includes 10 hours in the car. Here is how I THM’d my way through the flatlands of Illinois.

Breakfast was a clean-out-the-fridge-because-we-are-leaving event... I ate my my last Oikos Triple Zero. If I hadn’t been rushing around so much, I would have turned this FP breakfast into an E with some chopped apples, cinnamon, and THM granola.

(Note to self: stop at Costco on the way home).

After about three hours in the car, it was time to de-stress with a snack after driving through a wicked Chicago rainstorm.

Cue heavenly music here:

Oh, how I love these marvels of cuisine!

Hubby and I split one of these delectable snack sticks, which I get from my Costco. These natural beauties contain no toxic junk. And a whole stick has 14 grams of protein, 1 gram of carb, and 6 grams of fat, which makes one stick an S snack, (but barely -only one gram of fat above FP mode!) 

So a half stick was a perfect FP snack! We didn’t even feel hungry until around 2 pm.

The problem with that is, at 2pm, we were deep in Flat Little-Town-ville, Illinois.  Restaurants were few and far between. 

After spending some quality time with Google maps, hubby found a little Amish diner in Tuscola, Illinois.


We were greeted with music by K-LOVE. And clean bathrooms. And an S salad that was so good it made me commit a blogging faux pax: I forgot to photograph the beautiful salad!

Obviously, it was good.  

Oops. So let me describe it.

Fresh spinach, red onion, Swiss cheese, hard boiled egg, bacon, and blue cheese dressing. Hold the croutons.

To accompany this lunch, I broke my own personal rule of no coffee after 2 pm. Hazelnut cream coffee with half and half and vanilla stevia. Mmmm.

We are back in the car now and I am still sipping the warm deliciousness. 

And if I cannot sleep tonight, I will only have myself to blame.  But at least there will be a cute granddaughter at the end of the journey to cuddle!

Gratuitous granddaughter photo

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